Foxwood Plantation invites you
to attend its Annual Dove Hunt
Hunt the swift Morning Dove over Plush fields of
Sunflower and Millet
Order of Events:
Lunch Noon to 1:00
Dove Hunt 1:00 to sunset
$40 per person
Foxwood Plantation offers hunts throughout dove
hunting season
during legal hunting hours
Retrievers Welcome (Land and water areas available)
your NC Hunting License On Line
this year hunting season dates and regulations
Foxwood Plantation - County
Line Kennel
Owned & Operated by Lintash Enterprises, Inc.
4907 N. Hwy 119 Mebane, NC 27302
Mike Hester
(336) 269-0296 before 8pm / (336) 421-3379 after 8pm
Consulting Services